Sunday, December 17, 2017

Add detail to a Diamond in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements - Free Diamond Brush

Do you have a ring photo with dark stones, blown out diamonds or soft focus?  Add detail to blown out stone, dark stones and soft focus.  

Here is an example of a situation where a using a defined diamond brush may help to improve an image.  There are tutorials about defining brushes in Photoshop and Photoshop elements.  Or you can use the one I'll share. I'm demonstrating this technique in Photoshop Elements 11, but if you are familiar with Photoshop or another version of Elements this is something that you can apply elsewhere.

Soft Focus Lacking Detail - Before
If you have a dark or out of focus ring like this start by adding some light to the stones.  Create a layer.  Use a soft brush tool and paint some white onto the stones.  Reduce the opacity until you get the look you want.

Stones painted with White Soft Brush
Next add some texture using a Diamond Brush CLICK HERE or make your own.  (Find a tutorial about how to define a brush.)  I'm sorry the sample is not clickable...  I have not learned that trick yet.

And then create a layer, and stamp texture over the stone.  Turn the opacity up or down until it looks good to you.  Reduce the opacity enough that it does not stick out and catch your eye too much.  Hopefully I have accomplished this in the example.

Black Diamond Brush
As you use this brush play with it.  I did and I was very pleased with the results.  The above images are stamped with black to bring in the texture.  This would be more appropriate for a  for a stone blown out stone without any color detail.  I reedited the image using a white diamond brush as I played and I was so pleased with the results.  

White Diamond Brush Used
The moral of the story is play.  I am pleased with the result that I got as a result of re-editing this.  
I recognize this is not an extremely detailed tutorial.  Surely you will find other tutorials that will be more thorough.  But, my intention is to share something that has helped me.   

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission

Today I am reposting this from last summer.
As a Mom of two missionaries, they are close to my heart. 
It was fun to get to take these for Mark and his Mom.
Marks Mom and I became fast friends when our daughter's served as mission companions.

 I can't wait until he gets his call!
 We were blessed that evening with high humidity and a beautiful sky.
 Mark was a lot of fun to work with!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Motion and Slow Shutter Speed

This image makes me feel a bit queasy.

I took it from the passenger seat with my tripod set up on the floor.
If you'll notice the smear changes direction as the car began to turn the corner during the exposure.
I took this shot as an exercise with long shutter speed this evening.
I had one more thing to do this evening,
but I think I will wait for my stomach to return to normal first.

This smear was taken while stationary, but I swished during the exposure upward to the deer.

Sunday, November 10, 2013